Sunday, March 1, 2009

CPR for CPR!

Our Tech in the classroom Prof. has us working with a writing assessment "program" or is it a Demon Seed masquerading as a tool to asses student writing? The jury is still out with me. Seems this program, named Calibrated Peer Review (should tell you something about the pompous folks who put this CRAP together) is set up to help students become better at peer review. Well, the whole premise is silly. Students learn to become better at peer review by building real editing and proof reading skills. The peer review rubrics should be attached to the drafts, and then the teacher holds the reviewer accountable as well. When computer programs begin to "teach" peer review, and the social obligation of student's work, then it is time to send your kid to an on-line learning school, and let the robots be teachers.

Their are many great computer programs helping students learn, and my rant on this CPR program is out of frustration and ignorance. My own progress in "getting to know" the world of CPR (as a first aid instructor, it kills me to write those three letters in any other context than that of which it should be reserved!). But the flaws and poor communication skills of the program(ers), is enough to dive my very normal blood pressure though the roof!

We must not be so starry-eyed at an "educational" computer program. Some are crap. I wish CRP could let me "in" a bit further. This way I can make a true assessment.